Thursday, May 28, 2020
Do You Know What Your In For? Use These Tips To Prepare For College
Do You Know What Your In For? Use These Tips To Prepare For College If you are fortunate enough to get yourself into college, congratulations! Believe it or not, that was the easy part; you've got a long way to go to graduation. Many challenges will present themselves to you and you have to find ways to overcome them; the following article will show you how. Don't worry about choosing your major right away. Most schools give you until your junior year to select a major, so you should take time to explore different options and figure out what you most enjoy and might want to make a career out of before you select your major. Try and keep a part-time job throughout your college career; as tough as it may be to balance work and studies, the extra money, you make can make a big difference. If you have a huge amount of money to pay back once you are finished, life will be much more difficult after graduation so try and work your way through it. When you are trying to choose a school that you would like to attend you should weigh all of the pros and cons of the school compared to what your major will be. You can find many lists that tell you what the department at the school you are interested in ranks. Find a place to study that is conducive to your style of studying. If you can study while blocking out noise then your dorm room may be fine. But if you need privacy and quiet then find a quiet corner in one of the less popular areas of the library or a perhaps a peaceful and relaxing space outdoors. Making it all the way through college is quite a challenge, but once you have achieved it, you are well on your way in life. Use the advice of this article and other valuable sources you find along the way. Achieving that diploma is one of the best things you will ever do for yourself!
International business administration - Free Essay Example
Management summary In this thesis the relationship between the predominant leadership styles in the academic literature, transformational and transactional leadership, and organization citizenship behaviour will be discussed and analyzed. In the transformational leadershipÃâà style the leader motivates and inspires followers by gaining their trust and respect. The leader communicates the goals, visions and missions in a clear way and stimulates his followers to go beyond the call of duty. Transactional leadership is based on an exchange relationship between the leader and followers. Followers receive rewards when they perform according to the standards and requirements set by their leader. Organizational citizenship behaviour concerns those voluntary acts performed byÃâà individual employees that are of a discretionary and voluntary nature and contribute to the effectiveness of the organization. However, when organizations exert citizenship pressures on their employees this might have some serious consequences on their workforce. These high levels of pressure to be a good citizen can result in job stress, work-family conflicts, work-leisure conflicts and might even result in quitting intensions among employees. This thesis will also focus on the desirability of OCBs within the organization and the dangers of citizenship pressures. Chapter 1.Introduction to the thesis 1.1 Problem Indication Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) has been a popular subject among several fields of study for the past couple of decades. OCBs are positive, individual and voluntary acts performed by employees which go beyond their job descriptions and are not directly rewarded or monitored (Organ, 1988). According to Katz Kahn (1966) these kinds of behaviour are important to organizations because organizations depend on behaviour of their employees that go further than their job description even though these behaviours are not actively monitored and enforced. Because of the voluntary nature of the positive acts the theory of OCBs seems to be very positive for both the individuals within an organization and the effectiveness of the organization as whole. OCB has been linked with loyalty, obedience, voluntarism, helping behaviours, altruism and other positive traits in many previous studies throughout the years (Bolino, Turnley, Niehoff, 2004; Organ, Podsakoff, MacKenzie, 2006). But recent studies have also investigated the darker side of OCB. The problem lies with the discretionary and voluntary nature of OCB. There are situations in which employees feel like OCB is expected of them, this citizenship pressure can lead to job stress, work conflicts and even quitting intensions (Bolino,Turnley, Gilstrap, Suazo, 2010). The first part of this thesis will go further into the dynamics of OCB and will look at both the positive and negative side of OCB. The second part of this thesis will address the relation between leadership styles and OCB. Leadership styles are of great influence on the OCBs of employees (Bass, 1985; Burns, 1978). In the studies of Bass (1985) and Burns (1978)Ãâà a distinction has been made between transformational and transactional leadership. These different styles of leadership have different implications on the degree of OCB among the employees (Bass, 1985; Burns, 1978). 1.2 Problem statement The problem statement of this thesis is formulated in one single question: How do the different styles of leadership influence organizational citizenship behaviour ? 1.3 Research Questions The research questions that are derived from the problem indication are: To what degree is OCB desired within an organization? What is the influence of transactional leadership on OCB? What is the influence of transformational leadership on OCB? 1.4 Methodology The type of research that will be conducted for this thesis is a descriptive research. The thesis will be a literature study which means secondary sources will be gathered and researched (Sekaran, 2008). An analysis of the different variables will be made in order to find the answers to the formulated research questions. The links between the different variables researched in this thesis can be the basis for further empirical research. The main concepts of the research are organizational citizenship behaviour and the transformational (or charismatic) (Yukl, 1999) and transactional leadership types. 1.5 Structure In this thesis the relationship between the two predominant leadership styles and OCB within an organization will be analyzed. The first chapter will get into the dynamics of OCB in order to determine whether or not and to what degree OCB is desirable. This means that both the positive and negative sides of OCB within an organization will be balanced in this chapter. At the end of chapter one the first research question of this thesis will be answered. Chapter two and three will link transformational and transactional leadership with OCB. In these chapters it will become clear how the different styles of leadership stimulate OCB and which leadership style results in the largest amount of OCBs. After these chapters the answer to the problem statement is given in the conclusion. Furthermore, limitations of this research and managerial and academic implications will be discussed. Chapter 2. Organizational Citizenship Behaviour 2.1 Introduction Organizational citizenship behaviour is a topic that has fascinated many researchers and managers for the last couple of decades since Bateman and Organ (1983) were the first to address this topic in 1983. Nowadays in times of economical crises OCB remains an interesting subject, because in a race of the survival of the fittest organizations rely on good citizens to survive. However, recent studies of the past couple of years have reported some negative implications of OCB and have questioned the desirability of OCB (Bolino, Gilstrap, Turnley Suazo, 2010; Korgaard, Meglino, Lester Jeong, 2010; Van Dyne Ellis, 2004). Vardi and Weitz (2003) have reported on the concept of organizational misbehaviour (OMB) as a counterpart to OCB in their studies. In this chapter both the positive and negative implications of OCB and citizenship pressures exerted by the organizations will be discussed.Ãâà In order to answer the question whether or not OCB is desirable within an organization the concept of organizational citizenship behaviour has to be explained.. OCB can be defined as individual behaviour that is discretionary, not directly or explicitly recognized by the formal reward system, and that in the aggregate promotes the effective functioning of an organization, according to the study of Organ (1988, p. 4). OCB is behaviour of a constructive nature by the employee, which is not a part of the formal job description (Organ, 1988). According to Moorman, Blakely and Niehoff (1988) employees will engage in OCBs when they feel that that behaviour is justified by the positive actions of the organization and are consistent with the treatment and commitment of the organization. Employees feel the need to repay the organization for the positive treatment and commitment they receive throughout the relationship (Moorman et al., 1988). Research of Kidder (1998) and Stamper and Van Dyne (2001) argues that employees that have a long-term relationship with a firm perform more OCBs than temporary or part-time workers. 2.2 The sunny side of OCB Podsakoff, MacKenzie, Paine and Bachrach (2000) distinguished thirty forms of citizenship behaviours from the literature on OCB and grouped them in seven dimensions; helping behaviour, sportsmanship, organizational compliance, organizational loyalty, self development, civic virtue and individual initiative. Helping behaviours are voluntary behaviours that help fellow colleagues prevent or solve work related problems. This kind of behaviour includes supporting and cheering for fellow employees and also peacemaking activities when there are times of conflict and struggles between employees (Organ, 1988). Organizational compliance is a form of OCB which regards the following and obeying of organizational procedures and rules by the employees (Borman Motowidlo, 1993). Organizational compliance argues that good citizens follow the rules and procedures of the organization instinctively and precisely, even when they know that they are not being supervised or monitored (Podsakoff et al., 2000).Ãâà Ãâà Podsakoff et al. (2000) state that organizational compliance is a form of OCB even though it is expected from subordinates to act according the rules and regulations of the company, because in many cases employees do not act according these rules and regulations when they know that they are not being observed or monitored. Thus, according to Podsakoff et al. (2000) employees that follow up the rules and regulations very precisely even when they know that they are not being supervised can be viewed as very good organizational citizens. Sportmanship is a type of OCB which describes the process of coping with all the inevitable problems and inconveniences that are bound to happen at work without complaining (Organ, 1990). According to Podsakoff, et al., (2000) good sportsmanship occurs when employees refrain from complaining when other colleagues cause inconveniences for them. Good sports are willing to make personal sacrifices in the interest of the group and do not showcase a negative attitude when things are not going their way. Furthermore, good sports do not get offended when their suggestions and ideas are not followed up by the rest of the employees in their working environment. Individual initiative is regarded as OCB when a person goes that far beyond the expected level of task-related behaviours that these behaviours can be viewed as voluntary (Podsakoff et al., 2000).Ãâà When employees engage in individual initiative they showcase extra effort and enthusiasm in order to increase their task performance or the performance of the organization as a whole. They voluntarily come up with new ideas and innovations in order to increase organizational effectiveness and encourage fellow colleagues to act in the same way (Podsakoff, et al., 2000). Organizational loyalty refers to the strong commitment of employees to the organization throughout the good and the bad times (Graham, 1991), defending the organization against threats from the outside and promoting the organization to people outside the organization (Borman Motowidlo, 1997; George Jones 1997). According to the research of Podsakoff et al. (2000) civic virtue(Organ, 1988)means that employees recognize that they are part of a larger whole and they acknowledge and accept the responsibilities for the effective functioning of their organization. The employees actively look out for opportunities and threats in the environment of their organization. They participate actively in the decision making process of the organization and are constantly acting out of the interest of the company while putting their personal interests aside (Podsakoff et al., 2000).Ãâà Self development is citizenship behaviour that occurs when employees voluntarily undertake actions in order to learn and improve their skills, knowledge and capabilities (Podsakoff et al., 2000). The study of George and Brief (1992) states that self development might consist of employees participating in advanced training course, employees undertaking actions in order to keep up with the latest developments in their field; or employees might even learn an entirely new set of skills. Self development behaviour is good citizenship behaviour because employees try to improve and increase their personal contributions to the performance and effectiveness of the organization (George Brief, 1992). These seven dimensions of OCB all describe positive acts and contributions from the employees which benefit the organization. According to Organ Konovsky (1989) these combined contributions of individual employees increase organization effectiveness significantly over time. Because of the positive nature of these citizenship behaviours organizations try to stimulate OCBs among their employees. These citizenship pressures lead to higher levels of OCB within the organization, which is essentially favourable for the company (Bolino,Turnley, Gilstrap Suazo, 2010). However, the stimulation of citizenship behaviours can have a negative effect on the employees because the citizenship pressure to please the organization can result in job stress, quitting intensions and work-family and work-leisure conflicts (Bolino et al., 2010; Greenhaus Beutell, 1985; Reich, 2001; Sauter Murphy, 1995). 2.3 The dark side of OCB One could argue that OCB has a lot of positive implications for an organization based on the dimensions described by Podsakoff et al.(2000). Recent studies however have also shed light on the darker side of OCB (Bolino et al.,2010; Korsgaard Meglino, Lester, Jeong,2010; Van Dyne Ellis, 2004; Vigoda-Gadot, 2006). Organ (1988) implies that OCB is solely a positive phenomenon within an organization, because of the discretionary and voluntary nature of OCB. Furthermore, Organ (1988, p. 4) argues that OCB promotes the effective functioning of an organization. Vigoda-Gadot (2006, p. 79) concludes from the definition of OCB by Organ (1988) that it implies that OCB consists of informal contributions that a participant can choose to make or withhold, without the regard to considerations of sanctions or formal incentives. However, recent studies have countered the discretionary nature of OCB. Korsgaard et al. (2010, p. 277), argue that OCB is based on the norm of reciprocity: the obligation to reciprocate the benefits already received from another (paying you back) and the expected reciprocity that ones actions will stimulate future benefits from another (paying me forward). Vardi and Weitz (2003) have mentioned the concept of organizational misbehaviour (OMB) in their studies as a counterpart to OCB. Organizational misbehaviour is behaviour of a social natureÃâà that harms the interest of the organization.Ãâà According to Vardi and Weitz (2003) there are five types of organizational misbehaviour; intra-personal misbehaviour, inter-personal misbehaviour, property misbehaviour, production misbehaviour and political misbehaviour.Ãâà OMB can be viewed as the real dark side of employee behaviours. 2.3.1 Citizenship pressure Citizenship pressure occurs when employees feel the pressure to engage in OCBs because their employer tries to stimulate that behaviour by informal compensation (Bolino,Turnley, Girlstrap Suazo, 2010).Citizenship pressure is a phenomenon that differs from individual to individual and it is of a subjective nature (Bolino, et al.,2010). Employees that are regarded as high-self monitors are more likely to give in to citizenship pressures and engage more in citizenship behaviours, because those employees value their image and the way they are perceived by their co-workers and supervisors (Blakely, Andrews, Fuller, 2003). The study of Bolino et al. (2010) has shown that citizenship pressure leads to higher levels of OCB of employees within an organization. Hence, the studies of Korsgaard, et al.(2010) and Bolino, et al.(2010) question both the discretionary and voluntary nature of OCB. Research has shown that managers do take OCBs into account when evaluating their employees and making other decisions (Podsakoff, et al.,2000) Van Dyne and Ellis (2004) state that with citizenship pressure, behaviour that was once voluntary and discretionary can become an obligation. Van Dyne and Ellis (2004) mention the phenomenon of job creep, this situation occurs when employees constantly feel the pressure to do more than their job actually requires of them. The duties of the employees are slowly increased without official recognition of the organization and in time are expected of the employees (Van Dyne Ellis, 2004). Although citizenship pressure may be a positive phenomenon from an organizations point of view because it leads to more OCB, it also is associated with negative consequences for the employees and their organization (Bolino, et al.,2010). The amounts of job stress experienced by the employees are likely to increase in the case of high levels of citizenship pressures (Bolinio, et al.,2010).Ãâà Job stress occurs when employees do not have the capabilities and resources that are needed to fulfil their job requirements. The incapability to fulfil these job demands will lead to negative consequences for the emotional and physical state of the employees who experience high levels of job stress (Sauter Murphy, 1995). According to Bolino, Turnley, Gilstrap, Suazo (2010) employees who experience citizenship pressures to behave as a good citizen of the organization may also feel the pressures at home to be a good partner and parent. This work-family conflict is a role conflict that occurs when the work role demands that are required from an employee are not compatible with the demands of the family (Greenhaus Beutell, 1985).Ãâà Work-family conflicts may arise when the partners of the employees have difficulties in understanding why their partner chooses to engage in OCBs that are technically not required of them and are not formally rewarded rather than to spend time with their family (Edwards Rothbard, 2000). Research of Flynn (1996) shows that in a situation of high citizenship pressures employees with less demanding family situations engage in more citizenship behaviours than married employees with more responsibilities towards their families. Another conflict related to citizenship pressure is the work-leisure conflict. This conflict arises when employees experience difficulties in balancing their work demands with their personal life and leisure time (Bolino, et al.,2010). The study of Reich (2001) states that employees who are physically away from their working environment, may still be mentally connected to their job. According to Bolino, et al.(2010) these employees experience a conflict between their desires for free time in their personal lives and the desire to be a good organizational citizen in order to receive the benefits that come with that kind of status. The employees who feel citizenship pressures may not enjoy their free time because they are worrying about the situation and problems at work. Furthermore, they may be troubled by the fact that their co-workers might surpass them in terms of productivity and value for the organization when they enjoy their personal time or they may be experiencing feelings of guilt because they are not working (Reich, 2001). This may lead to an increasing tendency among employees to keep in contact with their work office, by means of mobile phones, pagers or email, in order to remain available for their colleagues and superiors (Reich, 2001). These types of conflict caused by citizenship pressure, like the work-leisure conflict and the work-family conflict and the phenomenon of job stress, contribute to the job quitting intensions among the employees (Bolino et al.,2010). The dark side of OCB can be accounted to the citizenship pressures exerted by the organization. When an organization pressuresÃâà employees to perform citizenship behaviours this can result in negative consequences for the state of mind of the employees (Bolino et al., 2010; Edwards Rothbard, 2000; Greenhaus Beutell, 1985; Reich, 2001). This in turn can lead to decreases in productivity and effectiveness for the organization, because employees in a bad state of mind are more likely to leave the organization or work inefficiently (Bolino et al., 2010). 2.4 Desirability of OCB within the organization OCB in its core essence is desirable for organizations because those citizenship behaviours are linked with helping behaviours, loyalty and commitment to the organization, the following of rules and regulations, creativity and innovation and going the extra mile (Podsakoff, et al.,2000) .Ãâà These citizenship behaviours are characterized as positive contributions to an organization and its productivity, effectiveness and social climate (Moorman et al., 1988; Organ, 1988; Podsakoff, et al.,2000). This makes it difficult for one to argue that citizenship behaviours are not desirable within an organization. However, there is also a darker side to OCB. These negative side effects of OCB occur when the voluntary and discretionary nature of citizenship behaviours is removed because of citizenship pressures exerted by the organization on their employees (Bolino et al.,2010; Korsgaard et al.2010) . Citizenship pressures can result in job stress, work-family conflicts, work-leisure conflicts and eventually in quitting intensions among employees (Bolino et al., 2010; Edwards Rothbard, 2000; Greenhaus Beutell, 1985; Reich, 2001).Ãâà Effectiveness and productivity of employees decrease when they experience job stress or work-family or work leisure conflicts, which in turn also has a negative influence on the company as a whole (Bolino, et al.,2010). In conclusion, one could argue that citizenship behaviours are a positive and desired phenomenon for an organization when the negative consequences of citizenship pressures exerted by the organization are not taken into account. However, citizenship pressures result in more OCBs among employees and thus organizations are inclined to exert those pressures on their employees (Bolino et al.,2010). Thus, organizations have to balance the positive and negative consequences of citizenship pressures and OCBs in order to maximizeÃâà the value of the employees for the company. Because citizenship pressures has different outcomes for each individual employee, the organization and group leaders could benefit from a thorough analysis of their workforce (Bolino et al., 2010). For instance, employees who are considered to be high self-monitors are more likely to engage in citizenship behaviours when they feel citizenship pressure, because they care about how they are being perceived by their co-workers and leaders (Blakely et al., 2003) Chapter 3.The transformational and transactional leadership styles 3.1 Introduction Leadership has always been an interesting topic for researchers from different fields. According to Tannenbaum, Weschler and Masarik (1961, p. 24) leadership is: interpersonal influence exercised in situations and directed, through the communication process, toward the attainment of a specified goal or goals. According to Wayne, Shore Liden (1997) leadership is important because the exchange between a manager and his followerÃâà is the most important factor in determining employee behaviour. In the literature a distinction has been made by Burns (1978) and Bass (1985) between transactional leadership and transformational leadership. Burns (1978) reports that transactional and transformation leadership are complete opposites. Bass (1985), however, argues that transformational leaders may also use transactional leadership behaviours in certain situations. The concepts of transactional and transformational leadership will be explained in this chapter. 3.2 Transactional leadership The study of Bass (1985) shows that transactional leaders make the tasks and responsibilities of the followers clear and also promise the followers compensation for when their tasks are performed according to the standards. According to Deluga (1990) transactional leadership is an exchange process in which rewards and punishments are administered. Transactional leaders exchange financial rewards for productivity or deny rewards when the productivity of the followers is lacking (Bass Riggio, 2006). The relationship between the leader and his followers in a system of transactional leadership is focused on self interest and based on mutual dependency (Lagamarsino Cardona, 2003). Bass (1990) concludes in his research that there are four different types of transactional leadership. Contingent reward: The leader sets up a contract based on performance and rewards, solid performance is compensated with rewards. When goals are met the employees will get recognition for their accomplishments. Contingent reward leader behaviours have shown to have a positive relation with performance and follower attitudes (Avolio, Waldman Einstein, 1988; Waldman, Bass Yammarino, 1990). Laissez-Faire: In this particular form of transactional leadership the leader avoids making decisions and steps away from any responsibilities. The subordinates have to fulfil their tasks on their own. According to Dubinsky, Yammarino, Jolson, Spangler (1995) this type of leader is indifferent, frequently absent,Ãâà inattentive and does not influence the workforce. Management by exception (active): The leader actively looks for errors and mistakes in the work process. When the tasks performance of the employees is not on the required level the leader will intervene and he will try to put the employees back on the right track. Management by exception (passive): The leader only undertakes actions when the level of output and requirements and standards are not met by his subordinates. All these types of transactional leadership lack leadership behaviours that motivate employees to be the best they can be for the organization and to go the extra mile for colleagues and superiors. 3.3 Transformational leadership The transformational leadership theory of Bass (1985) states that transformational leadership creates a bond of trust between the leader and followers, motivating employees to achieve beyond expectations. According to Bass (1985) transformational leadership activates employees higher-order needs and lets them act out of the interest of the company. Transformational leaders are able to motivate their followers to the degree that they not only increase their task performance but also engage in OCBs that help the organization to function in an effective way (Smith, Organ, Near, 1983). Transformational leaders motivate their subordinates to come up with creative and innovative for difficult issues within the organization (Bass, 1985). Furthermore, in the transformational leadership style the leaders encourage their followers to go the extra mile for the organization and they reach out to their employees with constructive feedback (Bass, 1985).Ãâà Transformational leaders make thei r missions and goals clear to their followers and they convince the followers to act out of interest of the company (Piccolo Colquitt, 2006). Employees who are able to link their own success with that of the company and can identify with the values and goals of the organization are more likely to add value to the organization (Podsakoff, MacKenzie, Moorman, Fetter, 1990). Bass (1985) states in his research that when a manager acts like a transformational leader he will be perceived as a more satisfying and effective leader than a transactional leader. Furthermore, according to the studies of Bass (1985), employees report that they are more willing to put in extra effort and time for managers who behave as transformational leaders. Bass Avolio (1993) and Pillai (1995) have reported in their studies that there is a positive relationship between transformational leadership and employee satisfaction, and between transformational leadership and in-role behaviours that lead to job perf ormance. According to Yukl (1999) transformational leadership can be viewed as the equivalent of charismatic leadership. In their research, Avolio Bass (2002) distinguished four different components of transformational leadership. Idealized influence: The leaders are admired, respected and trusted by their followers. The leaders are seen as examples/ role-models by the followers and the followers are inspired to emulate their actions. The leaders also put their followers interests above their own interest which earns them trust and respect. Idealized influence, or the charismatic dimension of transformational leadership (Bass, 1985), is often described as the most important component of transformational leadership (Waldman, Bass, Yammarino, 1990). Charismatic leaders receive respect and trust from their followers, because they create a sense of pride among their followers and communicate clear visions and missions (Bass, 1985).Ãâà Inspirational motivation: The leaders motivate their followers by attaching meaning and challenge to their work. The leader shows optimism and enthusiasm which stimulates individual and team spirit among the followers. Individualized consideration: The leaders take the needs and desires of the individual followers into account. The followers receive individual support from their leader in order to grow and develop and achieve higher goals. Intellectual stimulation: The followers are encouraged to be creative and innovative by their leaders. New approaches and new ideas are stimulated in order to get creative solutions to existing problems. Out of the box thinking is rewarded and it is not a shame to make errors. Chapter 4. The influence of transactional and transformational leadership on OCB 4.1 Introduction The predominant style of leadership in an organization has a great influence on the amount and types of OCBs performed by the employees within the organization. Bass (1990) described an experiment in a working area for convicted inmates. In this workplace the inmates had to produce several different types of products for in and outside the prison walls. One group of their supervisors received training in order to become transformational leaders, and the other group received a transactional leadership training. The inmates that were supervised by groups of transformational leaders performed better than those that were supervised by the transactional leaders. Not only did they perform better in the areas of productivity, absence and behaviour, the inmates also engaged in more citizenship behaviours. Furthermore, Bass (1990) states in his research that managers who are viewed as the high performers by their supervisors, also were viewed to be of a more transformational than transactional nature by their followers in a separate survey. In this chapter the relationship between transactional leadership, transformational leadership and organizational citizenship behaviour will be discussed. 4.2 Transactional leadership and OCB The transactional leadership style is based on an exchange relation between leaders and their followers. Employees are rewarded or punished based on whether or not their performance is according to the standards that were set by their transactional supervisors (Bass, 1985; Bass Riggio, 2006; Deluga, 1990). Because transactional leadership is a system of mutual dependency between leaders and followers that is based on self interest (Lagamarsino Cordona, 2003) and primarily an exchange process, transactional leadership leads to a low amount of citizenship behaviours performed by employees. The four different types of transactional leadership (Bass, 1990) do not convince employees to perform the seven dimensions of citizenship behaviour (Podsakoff et al.,2000). In the laissez-faire leadership style the leader avoids making decisions and steps away from his responsibilities. The followers have to do their tasks on their own and there is hardly any communication with the leaders. The leader is frequently absent, inattentive and indifferent and does not influence the workforce (Dubinsky et al.,1995). It is obvious that this type of leader will not stimulate citizenship behaviours among his followers. The leaders who act according to the management by exception style (both passive and active) only intervene when their followers do not meet up with the requirements and standards that are set for them. The employees do not meet up to their part of the exchange process (Bass Riggio, 2006) which is the only reason for the leader to communicate with the workforce. This kind of leadership behaviour does not stimulate the employees to engage in citizenship behaviours. The only type of transactional leadership that has some kind of relation to the dimensions of OCB is the contingent reward leadership style. In the contingent reward leadership style the employees receives recognition from their leader when they Avolio, Waldman Einstein (1988) Waldman, Bass Yammarino (1990) have reported in their studies that contingent reward leader behaviours have a positive influence on employee performance and follower attitudes. 4.3 Transformational leadership (charismatic leadership) and OCB Den Hartog, Keegan De Hoogh (2007) report in their studies that charismatic leadership behaviours ofÃâà leaders result in citizenship behaviours among followers. According to Den Hartog et al.(2007) leaders who have charismatic characteristics will increase citizenship behaviours in the dimensions of helping behaviours and organizational compliance. Employees are motivated to perform citizenship behaviours when they are able to identify with their charismatic leader. Research by Podsakoff et al.(1990) reports that there are direct and indirect effects of transformational leadership on citizenship behaviours and that trust is the key to this relationship. Konovsky Pugh (1994) also state that when employees experience procedural and distributive justice within their organization, this will enhance their sense of trust in the leader and will eventually lead to higher levels of citizenship behaviour. Shamir, House Arthur (1993) state that the positive influence of the charismatic leadership style on citizenship behaviours of employees can be described in a motivational process. In the beginning of this process the charismatic leader instils trust among the followers and makes the followers identify with him. Secondly, the charismatic leader enhances the followers role/task identification. This leads to increased levels of intrinsic motivation and increases the willingness of the employees to make sacrifices for their job. The charismatic leaders also increase the amount of citizenship behaviours by emphasizing the importance and superiority of the own group in contrast to other groups. This in turn results into high levels of identification among followersÃâà with the group or team (Shamir et al., 1993). The positive relation between transformational leadership and citizenship behaviours is also emphasized by the link between the seven dimensions of organizational citizenship behaviour (Podsakoff et al.,2000) and the four components of transformational leadership (Avolio Bass, 2002). For instance, the transformational leadership components intellectual stimulation and inspirational motivation can be linked to the self development and individual initiative dimension of OCB. When a leader performs transformational leadership behaviours like intellectual stimulation or inspirational motivation, followers are likely to engage in citizenship behaviours like self development or individual initiative. Transformational leadership component Organizational citizenship behaviour dimension Idealized influence Organizational compliance Civic virtue Organizational loyalty Inspirational motivation Self development Individual initiative Sportsmanship Individual consideration Self development Individual initiative Intellectual stimulation Self development Individual initiative Table 1. Linking OCB dimensions to transformational leadership components. Chapter 5.Conclusions and recommendations 5.1 Introduction This chapter will provide a conclusion to this thesis. An answer to the problem statement and the research questions will be given. Furthermore, this chapter will contain some managerial recommendations and recommendations for future research and also some limitations of this research will be discussed. 5.2 The conclusion The problem statement of this thesis is: How do the different styles of leadership influence organizational citizenship behaviour? The answer to this question is quite clear. Transformational leaders have the ability to get the best out of their followers and motivate them to go beyond the call of duty. Transformational leaders inspire their followers to be creative and innovative and they emphasize the importance of self-development (Bass, 1985). Employees trust and respect their transformational leaders. Because of the strong social bond with their transformational leader, the employees also experience a bond with their organization. This bond makes the employees act out of interest of the company (Piccolo Colquitt, 2006). The employees are proud to be part of the organization and are willing to engage in citizenship behaviours, even though these behaviours are not part of their job description and are not rewarded. Transformational leadership results in behaviours among employees that fit in the description of the seven dimensions of citizenship behaviours (Podsakoff et al., 2000). They are loyal to their organization; engage in helping behaviours; are good sports to their co-workers; follow the rules of the organization; show individual initiative, self development and feelings of civic virtue. Transformational leaders have the ability to motivate their subordinates to the degree that they not only increase their task performance but also perform citizenship behaviours that help the organization to function in an effective way (Smith, Organ, Near, 1983) Transactional leaders on the other hand have a relation with their employees that is based purely on exchange of productivity for rewards (Deluga, 1990). Because this relationship is based on self interest, rewards and mutual dependency, leaders and followers do not feel the need to go beyond their job description (Lagamarsino Cardona, 2003). Only transactional leaders who follow the contingent reward type of leadership might stimulate their followers to perform OCBs, because they acknowledge the accomplishments of the employees who reach their goals (Bass, 1990). Avolio, Waldman Einstein (1988) Waldman, Bass Yammarion (1990) have reported a positive relation between contingent reward leader behaviours and follower performance and follower attitudes. Laissez-faire leaders let their employees perform their tasks by themselves and are frequently absent, inattentive and do not influence the workforce (Bass, 1990; Dubinsky, Yammarino, Jolson, Spangler, 1995). Leaders who follow the style of management by exception (both passive and active) only interrupt the work process when the standards and requirements are not met by their followers (Bass, 1990). The conclusion is that transactional leadership is the complete opposite of transformational leadership regarding the influence on citizenship behaviour within an organization. Transformational leaders stimulate among their followers OCB through various actions, and transactional leaders do not stimulate OCB at all. Citizenship behaviours are desired within an organization because these combined contributions of individual employees increase the effectiveness of the organization significantly over time (Organ Konovsky (1989). However, organizations have to watch out with exerting citizenship pressures. These citizenship pressures do increase the amount of citizenship behaviours within the organization, however citizenship pressure is also linked with job stress, work-family conflicts, work-leisure conflicts and quitting intensions among employees (Bolino et al, 2010). 5.3 Limitations of the research One limitation in this research on the area of the desirability of OCB within organizations is that there are no exact measurements of the positive outcomes of citizenship behaviours and the negative effects of job stress, work-family conflicts, work-leisure conflicts and quitting intensions. This makes it difficult to make a precise assessment of the desirability of OCB and to find out whether or not and to what degree citizenship pressures are effective. The examination of the right way and the right amount of citizenship pressures might be another interesting topic for future research. Another limitation of this research is the fact that only the two predominant leadership styles, transformational and transactional leadership, are taken into account in researching the link between leadership styles and organizational citizenship behaviour.
Tips That Any College Student Must Have
Tips That Any College Student Must Have You might feel very overwhelmed if you are going away to school. The idea of setting out on your own and becoming immersed in a new group is somewhat daunting. If you're worried about college, then this article is just for you. You will find some useful tips to help you manage college life. Many colleges offer courses in study skills, so take advantage of the offering. Even students that did extremely well in high school may have a hard time adjusting to college expectations. Thus, a course in study skills may be just the ticket. When you first apply for college, learn about the professors. It is important to develop a good relationship with the instructors if you want to do well. Talk to them all, and get to know their expectations. It will help you throughout your entire college or university experience to have them on your side. Avoid studying for big college exams the night before by taking in a lot of caffeine or other stimulants. While these things can keep you up and able to study for longer, they will make you very tired in the morning. After using chemical stimulants for a while, you will need more and more and that can be damaging to your overall physical and mental health. Take advantage of activities and facilities available on your college's campus. Many campuses offer a variety of free and inexpensive events for students, from concerts to movie showings. They also have fitness centers, pools, and other recreational facilities. You can also join clubs or groups centered around your hobbies, religion, and more. As you know, it can be worrisome starting college. That said, the tips here should make it a little less stressful. Just know you are going to look back on college life fondly.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
How to Write a Conclusion for an Argument Essay
The argumentative essay is like a position paper. In it, you build a position based on fact, supported by evidence, and argued rationally and logically toward a clear and cohesive endpoint. And since youâre trying to make an effective argument, the end of your essay is often the most important part. How to end the argumentative essay? The best way is to save your best punch for last. Conclude your paper with a wallop that will knock the socks off your reader and leave him convinced that there is just no other way to look at the issue youâre presenting. Consider your ending the one-two combination that lays your reader out flat. How to End the Argumentative Essay In order to end the argumentative essay effectively, you have to start effectively. That means you have to identify the purpose of your essayâ"i.e., state your thesis. Why? Your conclusion will link back to your thesis in a meaningful why: youâll re-state it in concise terms and provide a grander perspective by bolstering that thesis with a blow-by-blow recap of all the hits you make in your essay. You also need to know the strongest points of your argument and the weakest points so that you can arrange them effectively (both in your essay proper and in your conclusion). Hereâs a tip: Start your essay in reverse order in terms of the strength of your argument: in other words, begin with your weakest argument first and save the best argument for last. That may be counter-intuitive since you want to give your reader a good reason right off the bat. So an alternate approach could be to arrange your arguments this way: moderately effective argument first, weakest argument second, greatest argument third. This way youâre able to give your reader something good at the beginning and something great at the end.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Heres What I Know About Free Essay Samples for Why I Should Receive Scholarships
<h1>Here's What I Know About Free Essay Samples for Why I Should Receive Scholarships </h1> <h2> The Ultimate Strategy to Free Essay Samples for Why I Should Receive Scholarships</h2> <p>Scholarship boards of trustees aren't just looking for good understudies, they are regularly scanning for a person that suits their authoritative targets. It is accepted to be completely the most noteworthy part your application, since the grant advisory group will utilize this to evaluate who you are as a person, notwithstanding your viewpoint throughout everyday life. A few grants will simply demand an announcement of budgetary need. This $1,000 grant just takes a three-sentence answer, and what's more, you can return and apply every month. </p> <h2> Get the Scoop on Free Essay Samples for Why I Should Receive Scholarships Before You're Too Late</h2> <p>These assortments of articles are ensured to snooze off your perusers. There are different le tter records and exposition models that are utilized in the business of training. Expound the data that you need to talk about and be certain they're introduced in like manner. Among the most discussed points in the us is the best approach to give reasonable medicinal services to the majority. </p> <h2> Free Essay Samples for Why I Should Receive Scholarships Ideas</h2> <p>Continue perusing to discover eight stages to assist you with forming a superior grant paper so you can make sure about the cash you should subsidize your worldwide instruction. My folks can't add to my school expenses, and I can't carry out the responsibility much while I'm in school. Discussion about the article with your pals and relatives. </p> <h2>Introducing Free Essay Samples for Why I Should Receive Scholarships </h2> <p>Don't utilize any extravagant text styles as it can create the exposition appear to be casual. The examples on this rundown gives you an awa y from of what you should make. Your rundown is possibly going to gracefully you with a cerebral pain in the event that you don't find a solution for end your issues. Make certain to track with the reasonable configuration, comprising of the general bits of an exposition. </p> <h2> The Rise of Free Essay Samples for Why I Should Receive Scholarships </h2> <p>Evidently, the distinction can be found in the two words require and merit. Without realizing proper article making, your probability of going into a predominant school are thin. There's one significant thing you need to know before beginning to gather material for your grant letter. Instead of perusing unlimited systems and proposals and endeavoring to remember such data, simply view an effectively composed work. </p> <h2> The Battle Over Free Essay Samples for Why I Should Receive Scholarships and How to Win It </h2> <p>The primary motivation behind why it's important for you to ensure you will create an intensive and exhaustive grant exposition is a result of the advantages that it might give to your grant application. Being welcomed for a grant application is an exceptional encounter that is the reason you should make irrefutably the most out of it. This $5,000 grant is given every month. Focus on the objective of the grant. </p> <p>Just being considered to turn in an application for a grant is now a joy and an accomplishment that you should be satisfied with. Fortunately, there's only one of me. </p> <p>The past section will work as your decision. It's frequently easy to begin composing with this extremely straightforward explanation. You will likewise get the chance to investigate several exposition models, notwithstanding a rundown of do's and don'ts that is probably going to make the creative cycle considerably less complex for you. Alter cautiously, and give the perusers a total perspective on your situation. </p> <p& gt;While grant article design won't give you any qualifications, they ought to be able to control you appropriately on how best to create the proper exposition. A grant article is a critical archive which is utilized in the procedures of grant application. You'll realize exactly what you have to do so as to make the perfect grant article. Composing a grant exposition can be very troublesome particularly on the off chance that you might want to do it well. </p> <h2> All About Free Essay Samples for Why I Should Receive Scholarships</h2> <p>There are different approaches to start a paper and you should simply to utilize one that can offer the best effect on the people who will survey your grant article. All things considered, you will form a negligible paper. You can see our model grant expositions to have a superior thought of the best approach to do this. As opposed to being given a brief, you could be mentioned to form an exposition on this issue of your dec ision. </p> <p>To win, you should form a concise exposition about the Seventh Amendment and the manner in which it impacts your life. Recorded as a hard copy a grant article, you should consistently take a gander at the reason on why you should make one. You ought to comprehend the real objective of why it is you're composing a grant article. </p>
Saturday, May 23, 2020
A Short Informative Guide to Designing Unique Term Papers
<h1>A Short Informative Guide to Designing Unique Term Papers</h1><p>Designing interesting research projects isn't just a simple undertaking for occupied teachers and understudies, yet it can likewise assist you with gaining a great deal of cash also. The structure of your research paper is an incredible wellspring of pride and it will give you something to take a shot at when you finish the work.</p><p></p><p>Every individual who intends to take up a course or a degree is a lot of mindful that one of the most significant elements to an effective and productive future profession is their decision of study materials. Administrative work is a significant segment in any degree or course, however to make it one of a kind, this can be a significant part to guarantee that the understudies and the course understudies will think that its intriguing. The most ideal approach to get a special plan of the paper is to include the personnel and understudie s through the planning of the papers, so all aspects of the structuring is educated to everyone.</p><p></p><p>The imaginative approach to get a one of a kind plan of research projects is through planning exceptional research papers, which can likewise be utilized for portfolio entries, or articles too. There are various approaches to concoct a special structure. The absolute first activity is to thought of a brief and consider what you need to put on the paper.</p><p></p><p>The most regular alternatives for a brief are those that identify with the subject you need to cover in the course. This can be about a specific subject you need to cover or possibly about a particular ability you have. The introduction of your examination paper can be its significant structure. The exploration will be done and the composing finished with the utilization of the regular word handling devices like Word, WordPad, Pages, Open Office, and Microsoft Offic e.</p><p></p><p>You can exploit the free topics that you can discover on the web, and incorporate the individual data also. For instance, in the event that you intend to incorporate your email address in the paper, it is imperative to remember it for the header or the primary line of the body of the paper. In the event that you need to have the site address, you can remember it for the copyright data, as this is a significant piece of the paper.</p><p></p><p>The fitting subheading is another significant angle that ought to be thought of, and on account of corporate research papers, this will expect you to incorporate the organization name, the activity title, and the quantity of workers. It is imperative to ensure that the letterhead, business card, and different materials will be incorporated, and this should be possible effectively in the event that you investigate online resources.</p><p></p><p>Writing the ex position is a significant viewpoint to think of the ideal mix of the various components to make it interesting. The utilization of long range informal communication destinations, and investigating the catchphrase phrases are helpful with regards to this. The paper should be as an individual statement, so you have to consider it cautiously before you at long last beginning doing it.</p>
Friday, May 22, 2020
Fordham Social Work Admission Samples
<h1>Fordham Social Work Admission Samples</h1><p>Writing an exposition is a basic piece of social work, and Fordham social work understudies should realize how to compose articles on subjects that intrigue them. Social laborers for the most part invest some energy composing their papers so they can contrast it with different understudies and compose their own papers on their own points. In this article, we will talk about what paper tests to utilize when composing your own essay.</p><p></p><p>The absolute first thing that you ought to do is compose the presentation. This presentation ought to be short and straightforward, just as ensure that you get over your fundamental data and thought in the presentation passage. Keep the presentation short, just as brief, as you would prefer not to exhaust your peruser. Recall that the objective of composing is to attract perusers, and you should have the option to catch their attention.</p><p> ;</p><p>You should then go on to the main section of your exposition. Your initial passage ought to be an outline of your subject. You ought to likewise make reference to what you want to accomplish with your exposition. Your objective with your paper ought to be to carry your perusers consideration regarding your key thoughts. On the off chance that you are composing a nitty gritty article, at that point you should plot out all the subjects you will cover.</p><p></p><p>If you decide to compose an exposition on a topic, at that point you should specify it in your presentation passage. So as to stand out enough to be noticed, you ought to quickly discuss your central matter and diagram the various pieces of your theory proclamation. For instance, on the off chance that you are composing a paper on child rearing, you may specify the basic issues that numerous guardians face, for example, fatigue, stress, and an absence of interaction.</p><p ></p><p>In your starting sentences, ensure that you have a few thoughts regarding the way that you need your exposition to stream. Toward the finish of your paper, you ought to consistently address the perusers in a neighborly way and notice your primary concerns that you are attempting to make. At long last, in the event that you are going to give a rundown of your paper, at that point you ought to do as such as quickly as time permits, just as notice all associations with your proposal explanation that you may have missed.</p><p></p><p>If you are attempting to sum up, at that point you should begin by quickly summing up the section that you simply wrapped up. At the outset, your sentences ought to be brief and succinct. Next, you ought to distinguish your principle theme and afterward begin to discuss the motivation behind why you are composing your exposition. At last, polish off by giving a rundown of the focuses that you were attempting to make.</p><p></p><p>One of the most widely recognized blunders that individuals make when composing expositions is concentrating on one thought, and neglecting to experience the entire paper, rather investing the heft of their energy portraying one specific thing. Recall that your primary target when composing an exposition is to attract perusers, so you ought to consistently be interfacing with them, rather than simply telling them.</p><p></p><p>By beginning with your presentation and standing out enough to be noticed, you will be better ready to make your paper all the more intriguing. In conclusion, set aside the effort to diagram your exposition, and present all the various parts. You can discover more Fordham social work admissioin tests in our archives.</p>
Monday, May 18, 2020
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Dragons A Global Phenomenon Essay - 1229 Words
Human idealism has been the spawn of hundreds of mythical creatureââ¬â¢s, crafting representations and symbolism with each new beast. Creatureââ¬â¢s became the living embodiment of values that were held highly, often falling into folklore that involved human interests. One of the most globally used, and recognized creaturesââ¬â¢s in our history is the dragon. A creature that not only appears in a variety of cultures, but has individual symbolism and traits attuned with each. Even today the idea of what is a dragon can differ from each individual. While most people in the modern day believe that all dragons are fire breathing terrors, it is a misconception of the idealism behind dragons. Dragons have taken many forms from fire-breathing monsters, toâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Martà nez ). It could even be laid to claim that slaying a dragon, was in way the slaying of the evils that they represented in western cultures (Layton Robin). With the ideal of evil dragons cente red firmly in belief of the western culture, this symbolism moved into the works of the Christian Bible. Dragons who have become part of the folklore of many civilizations was already beginning to represent new ideals in the Christian faith as it took their image and worked it into their scriptures. ââ¬Å"The Apocalypse Dragonâ⬠was beast that symbolizes the ââ¬Å"incarnation of all evilâ⬠that foreshadowed the arrival of disasters (Pà ©rsico Marisa E. Martà nez). As the bible described this bringer of disasters, ââ¬Å"In the sky appeared another signal, and I saw a dragon whose color was the fire, and had seven heads and ten horns, and on each head it had its own crownâ⬠(Apocalypse, 12:13). In the New Testaments the dragon is mentioned again, fighting against the angels while in heaven, but ultimately being defeated and casted from the kingdom of heaven (Revelation 12:3-4,7,9,13,16,17). This once again brings back the firm idea of the evil of the dragon, but t his time in this form as the ultimate evil Satan. In many forms of literature Satan such as the Garden of Eve story used the symbolism of snakes to represent Satan, and this potentially carried over into dragons with newer translations ofShow MoreRelatedPopular Music or K-Pop in South Korea1272 Words à |à 5 PagesSouth Korean popular music (shortly known as K-Pop) and its music videos are a worldwide phenomenon that effectively disseminates the Korean culture in different parts of the world. So, what is a K-Pop? The K-Pop is a musical genre that integrates a variety of music styles, such as hip-hop, RB, jazz, rap, and etc. In addition, K-Pop music video is an audiovisual element that consists not only the variety of musical styles, but also the stunning physical attributes of the singers as well. 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Back in the days, Japan was the only country in Asia that was accepted as a country with a strong and reliable economy. Many experts believe that the flying geese model is one the main reasons why East Asia is successful. Japan, as a leading gooseRea d MorePeople And The Thai Born Talent That Hit The Fashion Runway1481 Words à |à 6 PagesStates. In 1985, Asian immigrants made up less than half of the total immigrant population, many of which have settled in New York City and California. The ââ¬Å"selective phenomenonâ⬠known as migration has been impelled by the ââ¬Å"demographic, economic, social and psychological attributesâ⬠of the location (Desbarats 305). Migration on a global scale is influenced by factors such as available alternatives to those considering the move, how much distance is covered, ways of transportation and the state policiesRead MoreMigration On A Global Scale1470 Words à |à 6 PagesStates. 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The objects on the busts heads represent various symbols of luck in Chinese lore. Traditional Chinese designs and motifs including dragons, lily pads, trees, flowers and craggy mountains ââ¬Ëwhich snake around necks cover mouths and eyes and glide over foreheadsââ¬â¢. (The Australian, 2009) The works pose questions about nature and landscape in the worldââ¬â¢s industrial powerhouse. In ââ¬ËHumanRead MoreChildren Of The Dragon : China s One Child Policy1298 Words à |à 6 PagesChildren of the Dragon: Chinaââ¬â¢s One-Child Policy The earthââ¬â¢s growing population is a global concern. Both developed and third-world countries, are experiencing shortages of food, water and access to adequate healthcare. Although the poorest are hardest hit, even powerful countries like the United States and Great Brittan have been affected. Recent shortages of medication and fuel are contributing to speculation and concern. Governments the world over are turning to alternative energy and sustainableRead More10 Most Remarkable Posthumously Published Books1595 Words à |à 6 Pagesand its residents. The book becomes a national success but on returning to his hometown Webber faces a wave of hatred and rejection from the townsfolk. 8. The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo by Steig Larsson Died: 2004 Published: 2005-2007 On publication in 2005, this novel (the first in a trilogy) became a global phenomenon, spawning a series of movies and arousing fans worldwide. Larsson didnââ¬â¢t live to see his success, dying at the age of 50 in November 2004 from a heart attack shortly before theRead MoreVideo Games in Pop-Culture.1510 Words à |à 7 Pagespopular entertainment such as movies, cartoons, books, music, television game shows, commix etc. These genres sometimes attempt to do the same and burrow content from video games only to fail miserably every single time (Bloodrayne, Doom, Dungeons and Dragons). Perhaps, the reason why this happens is because video games in addition to mind blowing special effects and often great story lines and excellent voice-over/soundtrack also offer interactivity (active participation f the player). Refined of participation
Monday, May 11, 2020
Essay Topics to Write about for College Features
<h1> Essay Topics to Write about for College Features </h1> <p>A part of extra school articles are genuinely along these lines nonexclusive they're successfully useless. The rundown of the best pugnacious paper points for understudies contains overall quite flexible tips that will support your understudies and make them think. You may begin searching for arranged family themes to make your contentious article on in the occasion you discover it extremely difficult to manage some family duties. In case you're in a school and need to create a factious article, you ought to settle regarding a matter of high significance. </p> <p>The sports paper is unsurprising and should be maintained a strategic distance from, assuming there is any chance of this happening. Factious papers are a couple of as well as can be expected compose as an understudy. School application expositions are significant, and can be a scary endeavor. Composing the school application article can be among the most overwhelming components of applying to school. </p> <p>Argumentative exposition is tied in with belligerence and bantering regarding a matter, which is begging to be proven wrong. Factious papers are among the chief article types, and it's nothing unexpected they are a standard task understudies attempt. The factious paper has become the most widely recognized kind of composing task that understudies are required to embrace. </p> <p>If as you are setting up a report you only investigate explicit writing, the exposition requests a brilliant entrance into the issue. Despite the fact that you may recognize what group, style guide, and whether the article should be twofold separated, you may be befuddled on what really creates an unrivaled exposition subject. You've recently composed a recognized paper. A factious article expects you to pick a point and have a situation on it. </p> <p>The cost of an article rides on the aggregate sum of exertion the essayist needs to apply. These days it's extremely difficult to find a reliable article composing administration. You can likewise connect with your essayist to gracefully some overabundance suggestions or solicitation data in regards to the request's advancement. In any case, endeavor to make an exposition without anyone else with no assistance. </p> <p>If your article is portraying a procedure, including how to make an immense chocolate cake, ensure your passages fall in the best possible request. You ought to use APA reference devices to help recorded as a hard copy your article the correct way or utilize a specialist paper author that could compose the exposition utilizing the APA reference instruments. Regardless of the crucial the paper, ensure you're keen on your theme. To do as such, you should get a manual for make the absolute best paper on the chose point. </p> <h2>What You Need to Do About Essay Topics to Write about for College Before It's Too Late </h2> <p>Citations and concentrates from a few sources must be designed appropriately. Influential expositions are a phenomenal way to urge the peruser to check at a specific theme from an alternate perspective. Every single enticing papers resemble factious expositions. </p> <p>When you are done with your article, you should not ju st check it for spelling and linguistic blunders, yet in any case, it likewise must be checked for legitimate misrepresentations. At the finish of these rundown, you will find connects to an assortment of pugnacious sections and articles. You could have your subject doled out, or possibly you be sans given rule to compose on the subject of your determination. You will most likely find an alternate and great theme you will love to expound on. </p> <p>Make certain you're entertaining for an explanation and not just interesting since you're endeavoring to be. On the off chance that it's the first occasion when you're probably going to utilize our article composing administration, you in all likelihood have a lot of inquiries. All that you must do is to send us your request notwithstanding your preferred subject and extra points of interest and we will relegate an author who we think will be in a situation to fulfill your solicitation. Points like demise and separation are preventative as they can be exceedingly difficult to compose about.</p>
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Examples of Research Papers on Syria
<h1>Examples of Research Papers on Syria</h1><p>There are various instances of research papers on Syria that have been wrote by scholastics working inside the United States. Some are government subsidized and some are most certainly not. In any case, despite the fact that a portion of these were appointed by the US Government, they give an intriguing glance at how US political and military researchers are effectively occupied with examining potential dangers and how different sorts of dangers may be met or avoided.</p><p></p><p>The instances of research papers on Syria that are distributed by US scholastics have fluctuated points yet one thing that is reliable is the topic. By far most of the exploration paper on Syria have concentrated on viciousness against ladies, self-hurt as a strategy for self-preservation, and self destruction bombings. Obviously this ought not be astonishing when you consider that these are the sort of issues that hav e been portrayed as potential weapons of mass devastation and potential foci of remote fear based oppressor activities.</p><p></p><p>There are likewise various instances of research papers on Syria that have concentrated on the political difficulties that could be presented by an unrest and the development of another pioneer to supplant Bashar al-Assad. Another issue is the utilization of savagery as a political apparatus. A considerable lot of the researchers composing on this subject have paid attention to the way that the Syrian radicals have utilized their resistance to Assad to legitimize their savagery against the Syrian regular citizen populace. These exploration papers have taken a gander at the chance of Syrian residents having the option to oust their legislature with the sponsorship of outside powers like the United States.</p><p></p><p>Finally there are various instances of research papers on Syria that address the job of g lobal budgetary organizations in financing the uprising in Syria. As you may know, when the universal network applies pressure on tyrannies, they for the most part clarify that they will cut off outer help. So while the US might not have taken steps to assume control over Syria, it appears that a considerable lot of the enormous western money related foundations are presently truly considering on the off chance that they can keep on giving budgetary support.</p><p></p><p>If you need to comprehend the universal monetary organizations, you should consider that few of them have been set up in the consequence of World War II, explicitly to help remake the European economies after a significant war. While this doesn't sound very fitting for Syria, it is helpful to comprehend that a considerable lot of the worldwide budgetary organizations that have created lately have been built up to help governments attempting to construct establishments to manage relocation and neediness issues. As these are the sorts of issues that are probably going to go up against the US, the United Kingdom, and other Western nations, it is imperative to comprehend their anxiety with money related establishments and the manners in which that they may be worried about their stability.</p><p></p><p>There are likewise various instances of research papers on Syria that have taken a gander at the difficulties related with how the fate of the Assad system may be resolved. The very truth that the Syrian agitators didn't hold control of the populace or were viewed as excessively partisan proposes that the fate of Assad couldn't be chosen by a basic vote or referendum.</p><p></p><p>These are only a couple of instances of research papers on Syria that are being composed by scholastic analysts. As should be obvious, there are a wide range of sorts of research papers on Syria available.</p>
Friday, May 8, 2020
Best Topics For a Christian to Write an Argumentative Essay
Best Topics For a Christian to Write an Argumentative EssayWriting an argumentative essay is a skill that requires you to be knowledgeable about the best topics for a Christian to write an argumentative essay on. Your argument is with your point of view and not just your personal opinion. Hence, it is important that you know the best topics for a Christian to write an argumentative essay on.In order to do this, you will have to go through a number of topics that may be suitable for you. Of course, you will also need to know where to find these topics. You may want to read up on each topic and try out different topics as you go along.Start with the least difficult topics first and see how far you can take your writing. Usually, you will be able to begin writing at the very bottom and work your way up. If you start off too easily, you may not even get the chance to finish the entire argument. In addition, you can use themes in your writing as you go along to make it more interesting.Th erefore, you should also try and remember the areas of general history or religion to help you out in your writing. By learning these subjects, you will also be able to put all the things you have learned to write.Although you are looking at subject matters for a Christian to write an argumentative essay on, you should also remember to make sure that you do not become too repetitive. You may be focusing on different topics but without changing the theme of your arguments. This will make it difficult for you to understand what you are writing and it may end up being a very boring and uninteresting argument.One of the easiest ways to write an argumentative essay is to make sure that you have an opening and closing statement. These statements should be comprehensive and should explain why you agree or disagree with your conclusion. You can also add quotes and illustrations to your articles as well as use both positive and negative statements for your argument.In addition, you should al so note that the topic for a Christian to write an argumentative essay on is not limited to issues related to religion. There are a lot of topics that you can choose from such as philosophy and the like. Always look at the topic objectively and find out what are the best topics for a Christian to write an argumentative essay on.When you know what the best topics for a Christian to write an argumentative essay on are, you will be able to write more concisely and ensure that you are able to convince the reader of your points. This is one of the key ways of knowing what to write about and how to present your arguments in the best way possible. Once you are able to figure out how to do this, you will have everything you need to write your article.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay about Role of Women in Things Fall Apart, by Chinua...
The role of women in society has grown and changed tremendously with the development of the world. Within the American culture, womenââ¬â¢s rights have expanded to the extent of being able to vote for who runs our country or even possibly being the person that does run our country. Although the American culture has somewhat promoted the growth of a womanââ¬â¢s role in society, does not mean women receive the same respect in other cultures around world. For example, in Africa women are viewed lower on the totem pole of importance even though without them the village would fall apart. Chinua Achebe is an author that was born and raised in a village of Nigeria. From growing up there, Achebe understands the culture of Africa better thanâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The way in which the women of the Igbo village are presented, by Achebe, make it seem as if they serve very little purpose to the society. The main character, Okonkwo, is infatuated with making sure he does not turn out to be like his father. By living in a village where manliness was crucial and weakness was not, Okonkwo viewed his father as being a weak and cowardly mean because he could barely support his family. To make sure he did not become an adult that resembled his father, he developed the characteristics of being brave, wealthy and even violent. Since he acquired these traits, it gave him a sense of superiority over his wives and the other women of the village. Perhaps because of Okonkwoââ¬â¢s behavior, the women of the village are treated with less respect. It is portrayed by Achebe that the women of the Igbo village only purpose is looking after the children and helping their husbands when or if it is needed. Although the women of the Igbo village are described as being insignificant, the women are the people that fill in the gaps in the society. For example, the women are the ones that cook, clean, take care of everyone, help harvest and grow food, as well as all the other everyday tasks that are easily overlooked. Achebe mentions specific characters for a reason or in this case he leaves out a specific character. Okonkwoââ¬â¢s mother is mentioned merely once in Achebeââ¬â¢s novel, Things FallShow MoreRelated Conflict and Tradition in Things Fall Apart Essay example748 Words à |à 3 PagesTradition in Things Fall Apart nbsp; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; The book Things Fall Apart successfully expressed how Chinua Achebe had succeeded in writing a different story. It pointed out the conflict of oneself, the traditional beliefs, and the religious matters of the Africans. Throughout the novel, Chinua Achebe used simple but dignified words and unlike other books, he also included some flashbacks and folktales to make the novel more interesting and comprehensible. Things FallRead MoreChinua Achebe s Things Fall Apart1325 Words à |à 6 Pages Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe Thing Fall Apart, first published in 1958, is Chinua Achebeââ¬â¢s first and most acclaimed novel. Achebe illustrates an approving rendering of Nigerian and African tribal life prior to and subsequent to colonialism. Achebe presents various aspects of a native African community, including war, women mistreatment, violence and conflict, while maintaining a balance in social coherence, customs and tradition. Achebe portrays a clash of culturesRead MoreThings Fall Apart By Chinua Achebe Essay1203 Words à |à 5 Pages who took their land for monetary gain. This was a dark period of time for Africans that live there. The U.S. Civil War and The Great Depression both can be related, in this instance, to how down their people were because of what happened. Chinua Achebe said it best, ââ¬Å"I would be quite satisfied if my novels...did no more than teach my readers of their past...was not a long night of savagery from which the first European acting on Godââ¬â¢s behalf delivered themâ⬠(qtd. in ââ¬Å"Morning Yetâ⬠45). In theRead MoreChinua Achebe s Things Fall Apart Essay1682 Words à |à 7 Pagescertain degree of the priest class, libation, holidays, creation stories, divine systems of punishments and rewards. In the novel, Things Fall Apart, written by Chinua Achebe, is a story of tragic fall of a protagonist and the Igbo culture. Achebe demonstrates different examples and situations of where an African culture, in the instances of tribal religions, did certain things because of their tradition is and the way they developed into. African cultures pondered life mysteries and articulated theirRead MoreThings Fall Apart Character Analysis1130 Words à |à 5 Pageswas unable to rule his women and children (and especially his women) he was not really a manâ⬠(Chinua Achebe 53). This quote from Chinua Achebeââ¬â¢s novel Things Fall Apart demonstrates the power of men as it is presented throughout the novel. Things Fall Apart is the story of Okonkwoââ¬â¢s struggles in society, and his search for power throughout his life. During his exile, cultures clash and chaos erupts in the Igbo village. Okonkwoââ¬â¢s father, his exile in Mbanta, and the roles of men in society urgedRead MoreThings Falll Apart by Chinua Achebe1082 Words à |à 4 PagesThings Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe is a story that portrays the tensions between the white Colonial Government and native-born people of Umuofia. Okonkwo, the main character, and a great village man is highly respected in the Igbo tribe of Umuofia. Although, Okonkwo is highly respected by the Igbo people, they are fearful of him because of his violent anger. When the Europeans arrived in Umuofia, they brought with them a new religion: Christianity. The Westerners changed Umuofia, destroyed traditionRead More Comparing and Contrasting the Role of Women in Things Fall Apart and Heart of Darkness1129 Words à |à 5 PagesRole of Women in Things Fall Apart and Heart of Darkness à à Women were once little more than slaves to their male betters. Some women might have been respected, but their places were limited to roles as wives and mothers. They might rule a home, but were not believed intelligent enough for any other role. This chauvinistic attitude is well reflected in the novels Things Fall Apart, by Chinua Achebe, and Heart of Darkness, by Joseph Conrad. à In Things Fall Apart, women are praisedRead MoreChinua Achebeââ¬â¢s Things Fall Apart: Exploring the Ibo Culture1743 Words à |à 7 Pagesmarginalization of women. This paper is an attempt to explore the Ibo culture and to discuss women as a marginalized group in Chinua Achebeââ¬â¢s Things Fall Apart. Things Fall Apart is a 1958 English novel by Nigerian author Chinua Achebe. Achebe is indebted to Yeats for the title as it has been taken from Yeatsââ¬â¢ poem The Second Coming. Achebe is a fastidious, skillful artist and garnered more critical attention than any other African writer. His reputation was soon established after his novel Things Fall ApartRead MoreWhy Things Fell Apart Essay1186 Words à |à 5 PagesIn the book, Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe, the setting of the story is the Igbo tribe in Niger, which is located in southeastern Africa. There is a strong social and economical structure with the Igbo people. The villages have a solid set of traditional beliefs that they live their lives by, without stray of that tradition. The introduction of Christianity to the tribes brought changes to the social and religious lives of the villages. The novel provides a glimpse into the changes of howRead MoreMisogyny in Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad and Things Fall A part by Chinua Achebe1129 Words à |à 5 Pagesrecurrent theme in World Literature. Womenââ¬â¢s suffrage was at its prime between 1840 and 1920. Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad and Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe, two stories based in Africa, show different points of misogyny, the first being from the time of womenââ¬â¢s suffrage, and the latter being after the womenââ¬â¢s suffrage movement. The value, view, and role of women was undermined greatly in these two novels. Heart of Darkness was published in 1902, deep in with time of the womenââ¬â¢s suffrage movement
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Resource Based Theory Creating and Sustaining
Question: Discuss about the Resource Based Theory for Creating and Sustaining. Answer: Introduction: The course of action recommended to the CEO in case of the first hospital for improving the operations related to the HRM at the hospital is that first of all the hospital should have a separate HR department instead of the CEO, the finance manager and the middle level managers carrying out the operations related to the HR. the reason for this is HRM is receiving increasing significance in the contemporary world and with the organisations looking for more competitive advantage it is essential that there is a specialised HR department rather than the CEO and the finance manager who are already burdened with their respective functions performing the additional function of HR in the organisation. The role of HR today includes job analysis, selection and recruitment, staffing, training and development, laying down policies and procedures, performance management along with motivating the employees, overlooking the occupational health as well as safety to the managers of the middle level (Gilley, Eggland, Gilley, 2002). All this results in decreased employee turnover and absenteeism and increases their performance. The CEO, the finance manager and the middle level managers have to perform their respective functions and cannot be expected to do justice to both the functions and they also lack awareness about the specialised HR functions as they feel that it is not a part of their jobs. Besides this the external consultant paying a visit only once a week for overlooking the development of HR practices and policies is not a solution as day to day observations are required to develop and implement such policies in a manner that is effective as well as efficient. The team will have to meet on a regular basis for developing strategic HR capability which is incongruence with the organisational goals and for developing key performance indicators like complaints, employee morale, accidents, absenteeism, employee turnover, etc. for every HR function so that regular monitoring of HR processes, practices and policies can be done. Such a scenario will result in a situation like happened in the case of the first hospital like inconsistent application of the practices and policies of HR causing industrial disruption. Hence, we can say that since HR department plays a role which is crucial in terms of staffing, training, developing practices and policies and also in assisting in the management of people so that both the people as well as the organisation are able to perform to their maximum capability in a manner that is highly fulfilling (Marchington Wilkinson, 2002). The hospital thus needs a separate HR department comprising an HR manager along with his team who will be able to obtain the goals of the organisation through their employees. HRM might be described as an approach that is strategic for the managing employee relations and the focus of which is on leveraging the capabilities of the people for achievement of sustainable competitive advantage (Bratton Gold, 2003). The major functions that are performed by HRM consist of planning, recruitment as well as selection, appraisal along with performance management, reward management, union-management relations, development and also employee relations along with health as well as safety (Bratton Gold, 2003). This achievement of all of this is possible by a set of practices that are of distinct type, programs and policies of employment which are integrated and hence only an HR department within the organisation can perform this role. A separate HRM within the hospital will be able to increase the contributions that the employees make towards the organisation. Such contributions can be in the form of new ideas and working productively for attaining success. This way the HRM should be able to minimise the negative forces on the organisations and will be able to establish higher standards in places of work for each employee (Armstrong, 2006). Such a specialised department will also be able to help the organisations in reaching an optimal performance by complete utilisation of their potential and capacity, convincing the employees for putting in additional efforts to reach the organisational goals, meeting the development and career expectations of the employees, unifying the plans of the organisation and strategies of HR for creating and maintaining a corporate culture, offering a working environment that will stimulate energy and creativity, creating working conditions that will stimulate concept of total quality, teamwork and innovation and encouraging flexibility for achievement of learning organisations (Barutugil, 2004). The HRM needs to be evaluated in terms of the business as a whole and its functions cannot be taken as being independent of one another. Thus, it is an inevitable necessity for todays organisations to have HRM which is in accordance with the organisational culture, is accurate also a part of a particular organisation strategy and which can carry on with its activities. Hence, it is vital to process the basic HRM functions in context of the strategies as they play a crucial part in making sustainability successful. The HRM also needs to make wise use of its present human resources, supply the future human resources both on qualitative and quantitative terms (Akyz, 2001). The determining factor for human resources training is the strategies, mission and vision of the organisation (Barutugil, 2004). If the hospital is given a separate HR team led by the HR manager, retention of staff and improvements in morale as well as overall quality in terms of safety and care of patients. If the hospital continues to lack HR manager with a motivated and dedicated team of HR it can result in negative events like increasing wage costs, transfer of labour force, decrease in efficiency, accidents at jobs, decline in levels of motivation as well as job satisfaction along with rise in costs of business related supervision and the issues being currently faced by the hospital such as staff grievances of high levels, turnover and absenteeism and shortage of staff decreased quality of care and increase in accidents involving the staff and patients some of which may turn out to be of serious nature. Thus, for being a leading provider of healthcare, the hospital needs to have a separate HR manager with his team which will be able to adopt HR practices and policies for various strategies. In order to be effective, the HR policies of the organisation have to be consistent with other organisational aspects. This will increase the organisational commitment and engagement of the staff. This in turn will result in an effect that is positive on the patient care quality. Having in place appropriate practices and policies will help the organisation in eliciting employee behaviours which are consistent with its strategy (Rose Kumar, 2006 ; Ozcelik Ferman, 2006). Key Features for Building Sustainable HR Capability Remaining competitive and achieving better performance is supposed to be a major challenge especially for firms of today that exist in an environment of high velocity. Intensive competition along with great uncertainty is experienced by firms in such environments. Hence, for survival in such circumstances, the organisations should possess the ability of being able to renew their resource base in accordance environmental alterations. The emergence of the Dynamic Capabilities View (DCV) has attempted to resolve the complex issue related to sustainable competitive advantage in the todays environment which has become increasingly dynamic (Einsehardt Martin, 2000). The main assumption for this is that organisations that are able to figure out and also sense new opportunities and in addition to that are able to bring about reconfiguration in both their resources as well as capabilities in accordance with the alterations in the environment that have been recognised and opportunities will b e in a position of creating and sustaining a competitive advantage (Teece, 2009). The HRs capability has been recognised as being a major source for such a type of sustainable competitive advantage and hence the related organisational performance (Barney Clark, 2007 ; Ambrosini Bowman, 2009). The key features for building sustainable HR capabilities include being able to look at the function of HR function as being more than just delivering administrative services that at are cost effective and providing expertise on the way of leveraging the human capital (Jamrog Overholt, 2004). At the same time, the function that is performed by HR practitioners as leaders of change and strategic partners in business has also become crucial (Walker Stopper, 2000 ; Rennie, 2003). The competitive forces which is faced by the firms today also lead to the creation of new mandate for the HR which has necessitated changes in the role and structure of the HR function and added to it roles as well as responsibilities. The business environments increasing harshness and competitive pressures have resulted in making HR a specialised function (Macky, 2008). Consequently, it has become essential for HR practitioners to understand that they possess the potential of playing a vital role in maximisa tion of the organisations HR efficiency and their role has also become more strategic simultaneously and their roles have been divided into strategy and operations (DuPlessis, 2010). The workforce of an organisation is their lifeblood and represents the resources which are most valuable and potent (DuPlessis, 2009). Hence, the extent to which the management of workforce is there happens to be crucial for the enhancement of internal effectiveness and improvement of organisations competitiveness. A role that is increasingly vital is played by HR practitioners in maximising the HRs efficiency in an organisation as the employee behaviour is supported by HR which is vital for accomplishment if key process of the organisation and thus advancing the organisations success and sustainability (Nel, et al. 2011). With globalisation emerging and developments taking place in technology, the shift in the direction of a workforce that is knowledge-based and intense competition for labour that is skilled has created new competitive realities and has put the organisations under pressure of reacting to changing conditions for cultivation of competence in HRM (Horgan, 2003). The normative view that exists currently is that a strategic HR practitioner is viewed as a professional who has the ability of developing, planning and implementing a large number of activities pertaining to the organisation with the performance of the organisation (Murphy Southey, 2003). The practices as well as policies of HR have implications of strategic nature on the performance of the organisation and therefore on being able to take decisions in relation to any structures pertaining to employment, the HR practitioners need to possess the capability of making strategic choices (Boxall Purcell, 2000). The HR also has to make decisions that are significant and truly strategic in nature and have a perspective that is long term as changes occur in the conditions of business and the response of the organisation to such conditions which influence the organisational success (Barney Hesterly, 2006). The literature review is an indication that firms that are able to deploy their HR capabilities as capabilities that are dynamic possess the potential for building a sustainable competitive advantage. This is especially true in environments that are of high velocity. The firms that demonstrate a commitment stronger than others towards deploying HR capabilities as their capabilities of dynamic nature are able to achieve greater success and vice versa. There is an increasing consensus that human capital that is effective is crucial to the success of the organisation and thus, the function focus of HR needs to be highly strategic. HRM which is effective provides employees with the chances of making effective and productive contributions to the overall direction of the organisation and accomplishments of its objectives and goals. Employees have the most crucial value in a workplace making HRM a key factor for any business to be successful. All the other functions are dependent on the HR function for their success. Only if the right persons are recruited by the HRM at a time that is right and at a place that is also right, the other functions will prove to be successful. In the globalised world which has businesses that are a component of competitive markets globally, managing HR capabilities at every level is forced upon the business so that they can build sustainability. Thus, the HR forms the most crucial assets that any organisation possesses and hence effectively managing them is necessary for contributing towards the firms sustainable competitive advantage. Bibliography Akyz, . (2001). De?i?im Rzgar?nda Stratejik ?nsan Kaynaklar? Planlamas?. Sistem. Ambrosini, V., Bowman, C. (2009). What are dynamic capabilities and are they a useful construct in strategic management. International Journal of Management Reviews , 11 (1), 29-49. Armstrong, M. (2006). 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